Holey Balls & Bats Man!

The four times that I actually able to come home during hot weather months, we played ball of the wiffle variety. I’m surprised there were not wider instances of hurt bodies and hurt egos than actually happened. We drank much beer and had fun. Lacey even pitched while pregnant… Well, until she got hit with a return fire ball to the face. We all know how Lacey doest not want balls to the face… Anyway maybe we will play again some summer soon, but this one feels like one that is lost to days when our recovery time was hours, not weeks from our injuries.

[Jerry’s additions]

Those wiffle ball games were fun. While I like the location here in Sanford, I loved that Sturgeon house yard. Remember when we used to play whiffle ball out behind the Chemical Bank? Then we’d play behind your house when they would yell at us.

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